For a quality web development project, UI comes in handy. If a developer uses JS, React will help him. But first you need not only to understand the features of the corresponding language, but also to see what nuances the library in question provides.

This can include the following points:

  • Transmission of data of unidirectional type. Properties will be passed from the parent component to the children. They will receive properties as a set of immutable values. This results in the component not being able to directly make adjustments to the available parameters.
  • Presence of virtual DOM. React has been assigned its own virtual DOM. The technology creates a cache structure in the memory of the involved device, which allows for a calculation between the previous and current states of the interface.
  • Availability of JSX. This is an extension of the JavaScript syntax that makes it possible to apply HTML-like syntax to describe interface structures.
  • The use of lifecycle methods. They help the programmer to run codification at different stages of the “life” of an application component.
  • Not only rendering HTML in the browser.
  • Presence of React Hooks. Due to Hooks, you can use states and other features of the studied technology without writing classes in the code.

All this makes React a convenient and functional tool for user interfaces of various complexity. The main thing is to learn how to use such a library. The official documentation and tutorials will help to understand the issue from scratch.